~The ultimate Virginia raw oyster~

Grown at the North end of the famous Hog Island overlooking the Little Machipongo Inlet these oysters define unspoiled seaside   The Atlantic tide rushing across white sand and brushed by the peat of the pristine marshes of the Atlantic Coast Reserve result in the purest form of salt oyster.  Shells with honey hues, slightly sweet plump meats, and an incredible pure brine finish can only be equated to kissing the sea herself. 

Our oysters are a direct reflection of place. Like the terrior of wine our merrior will transport you to one of the last unspoiled stretches of Atlantic coast. No houses, no jet skis, or ferris wheels just the occasional duck hunter or local fisherman passing through the rushing waters.  As development has spread throughout the Eastern Seaboard our islands have actually regressed. Outposts have washed into the sea long ago.